Minty Watermelon Iced Tea

Minty Watermelon Iced Tea

Get ready to cool down and tantalize your taste buds with the delightful Minty Watermelon Iced Tea. As we gather in our elegant backyard oasis on this scorching summer day, let me introduce you to the ultimate refreshing concoction that will have us feeling like the queens of cool.

Imagine the succulent sweetness of juicy watermelon combined with the invigorating freshness of mint leaves, all infused into a perfectly brewed tea base. This divine fusion of flavors is a match made in beverage heaven, designed to keep us refreshed and radiant under the sun.

The first sip of Minty Watermelon Iced Tea is like a burst of summer in your mouth. The luscious watermelon essence dances on your palate, while the mint adds a tantalizing twist, creating a symphony of flavors that will leave you wanting more. It’s the epitome of luxury in a glass, tailored to satisfy the most discerning of tastes.

Not only does this exquisite drink offer a tantalizing taste experience, but it also boasts numerous health benefits. Watermelon, with its high water content, keeps us hydrated and promotes glowing skin. The addition of mint provides a soothing and cooling effect, perfect for those hot summer days when we want to look and feel our best.

Preparing Minty Watermelon Iced Tea is as easy as it is refreshing. Start by brewing a batch of your favorite tea, preferably a white tea (click on the link to get a white tea sample kit) or a herbal blend. Then, blend fresh, juicy watermelon chunks in a blender until smooth. Strain the watermelon puree to remove any seeds or pulp, and add it to the brewed tea. Finally, garnish with a handful of fresh mint leaves and let the flavors mingle in the fridge for a couple of hours.

As we gather in our picturesque backyard retreat, sipping on our Minty Watermelon Iced Tea, we can’t help but feel like the epitome of elegance and luxury. The vibrant pink hue of the drink, adorned with the vibrant green of the mint leaves, is a visual feast for the eyes, perfectly complementing our stylish summer outfits.

So, my lovely ladies, let’s raise our glasses filled with Minty Watermelon Iced Tea and toast to friendship, to the beauty of summer, and to the pleasure of indulging in life’s little luxuries. Let this exquisite blend be a refreshing reminder that we deserve the finer things, even on the hottest of days.

Remember, beauty and refreshment go hand in hand, and with Minty Watermelon Iced Tea, we have both in abundance. So, let’s sip, savor, and celebrate this moment of pure bliss. Cheers to us, the fabulous women who know how to keep cool, both inside and out!

Minty Watermelon Iced Tea

Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Course Drinks
Cuisine American
Servings 2 people


  • 1 Saucepan or pot
  • 1 blender
  • 1 Pitcher


  • 1 tbsp white tea any white tea will be fine but I prefer white peony tea
  • 4 cups water
  • 2 cups watermelon chunks
  • ¼ cup lime juice
  • 2 tbsp honey or agave syrup
  • ice cubes
  • watermelon wedges or mint sprigs for garnish


  • In a saucepan bring water to 85 °F
  • Add white tea and brew for 3 min
  • Allow to cool
  • In a blender, combine the brewed white tea, watermelon chunks, lime juice, and honey or agave syrup. Blend until smooth
  • Strain the watermelon mixture to remove any pulp
  • Fill a pitcher with ice cubes and pour the strained watermelon tea over the ice
  • Stir well to chill the tea and enhance the refreshing flavors
  • Pour the minty watermelon iced tea into glasses filled with more ice cubes
  • Garnish with watermelon wedges or mint sprigs
Keyword Minty Watermelon Iced Tea
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