Peppermint Hot Chocolate

Peppermint Hot Chocolate

Ah, the holidays! That magical time of the year when our kitchens transform into experimental labs for all things warm, comforting, and, let’s be honest, a tad indulgent. Today, my fellow culinary adventurers, I’m going to introduce you to a concoction that’s bound to shake up your holiday routine – the Peppermint Hot Chocolate Tea. Yes, you heard that right. It’s not just a beverage; it’s a festive hug in a mug.

Now, let’s set the scene. You’re curled up by the fire, the lights are dim, snow is gently painting the world outside a pristine white, and you, my friend, are about to embark on a flavor journey. This isn’t your average cuppa; it’s a merry-go-round of your favorite holiday treats.

Peppermint Hot Chocolate Tea, as the name suggestively winks, is a delightful mélange of peppermint tea’s refreshing coolness and the creamy, soul-warming embrace of hot chocolate. Think of it as the North Pole meets the cozy chalet; it’s Santa having a tête-à-tête with the Easter Bunny – unconventional yet surprisingly harmonious.

The preparation, you ask? It’s as easy as it gets, perfect for those of us who’d rather spend the holiday season lounging in our pajamas than hustling in the kitchen. Brew your favorite peppermint tea – let those minty aromas fill your kitchen and signal to your senses that relaxation is on its way. Then, in a separate pot, gently warm up some milk (or a milk alternative if you’re riding the dairy-free sleigh this year) and whisk in your beloved hot chocolate mix. Pour the steaming chocolatey goodness into your minty brew and watch as the two blend into a festive masterpiece.

But wait, there’s more! For an extra touch of holiday cheer, top it off with a swirl of whipped cream, a sprinkle of crushed candy cane, or, for the chocoholics among us, a gracious drizzle of chocolate syrup. Each sip is a melody of mint and chocolate, a dance of flavors that feels like a carol on your tongue.

This Peppermint Hot Chocolate Tea isn’t just a drink; it’s a memory maker. It’s those giggles around the fireplace, the warm conversations under soft blankets, and the sweet comfort of knowing you’re exactly where you need to be. So go ahead, and give it a whirl. Who knows? It might just become your new holiday tradition. Cheers, and let the merriment begin! 🍵🍫🎄

Peppermint Hot Chocolate Tea

Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 5 minutes
Total Time 10 minutes
Course Drinks
Cuisine American
Servings 2 people
Calories 120 kcal


  • 1 Saucepan or pot


  • 1 Peppermint tea bag
  • 2 cups Milk
  • 2 tbsp Hot chocolate powder
  • Whipped Cream optional
  • Peppermint candy or chocolate shavings for garnish


  • In a saucepan, gently heat the milk over medium heat. Be careful not to let it boil to avoid scalding. If you're making one cup, use only 1 cup of milk.
  • Once the milk is hot, remove the saucepan from heat. Add the peppermint tea bags to the milk, and let them steep for about 3-5 minutes, depending on how strong you prefer your tea.
  • Remove the tea bags from the milk. Add the hot chocolate mix to the infused milk and stir well until the chocolate is completely dissolved.
  • Pour the Peppermint Hot Chocolate Tea into cups. If desired, top with whipped cream and garnish with peppermint candy or chocolate shavings.
  • Sip and savor the warming, comforting blend of peppermint and chocolate.


The calorie count can vary based on the ingredients used, especially the type of milk and hot chocolate mix. Here’s a rough estimate for one cup:
  • Skim Milk: About 110 calories (80 cal from milk + 30 cal from hot chocolate mix)
  • Whole Milk: About 180 calories (150 cal from milk + 30 cal from hot chocolate mix)
  • Plant-Based Milk (Almond, Soy): About 80-120 calories (50-90 cal from milk + 30 cal from hot chocolate mix)
Adding whipped cream and extra toppings will increase the calorie count. For a lighter version, use low-calorie or sugar-free hot chocolate mix and skip the whipped cream.
Keyword Peppermint Hot Chocolate Tea
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